Healthy Work Environments
The cost of workplace sickness in the UK has increased to £103bn, from £73bn in 2018, according to the Institute for Public Policy Research. The largest cost is thought to be presenteeism, which is when staff are in the workplace, but show lower productivity due to illness, which is thought to account for 44 days of lost productivity per annum. The remainder of the cost is largely down to sick days, which are estimated at 6.7 days per year, a figure which has nearly doubled from 3.7 days in 2018.
Mental health research from Deloitte reveals the cost to UK employers of poor mental health is £51bn per year, an increase from £45bn in 2019. It is thought that presenteeism is also the largest contributor, which is now thought to be costing UK employers around £24 bn annually.
The return on investment analysis on interventions on employee mental health has been shown to be an impressive £4.70 for every £1 spent. The analysis also clearly shows that higher returns are available with earlier proactive strategic interventions, such as organisation-wide education, as opposed to supporting an employee who has developed an illness.
Informing Strategy
Before our clients approach us, they have usually tried to address mental health within their workplace, but the initiatives have fallen short. That is where Integrity HSE can really help, by partnering with the organisation and being there to competently guide and advise throughout the journey.
This begin by helping clients define what they want to achieve, and that means producing a vision & mission. Our subject matter experts will then measure where the client is on that path, before helping map out where they want to go. This will include a psychosocial risk assessment, which is used to ensure the right resources are used with the correct methods in areas which will yield the best return. Finally, we work with the client to create stage-gated objectives that highlight progress toward the end goal.
If really is that simple when you work with Integrity HSE. Our clients trust us to assist with health & wellbeing because they enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that they are supported by the best industry professionals.
Why choose Integrity HSE?
This is a common question that all health providers are asked, and one that we welcome. The simple answer is competence. Our services are facilitated by qualified health professionals who are proudly registered by The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), or named on a register accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).
We are strict about our health professionals being verified and checked by the appropriate authorities, such as the HCPC or PSA. This is because we need to have complete confidence that they are up-to-date with their continuous professional development and conducting suitable supervised practise so that we know they are the best professionals for our clients.
This means our clients can have complete peace of mind that they are not only satisfying their legal duties in a commercially relevant manner, but are doing so in collaboration with a person-centred health professional.
It is also worth noting that all of our services can be completed at either the clients site, a pre-specified offsite location, remotely over a medium like Teams, or using our dedicated health spaces in our Aberdeen offices.
What follows are a description of some of our services (not exhaustive):
- The creation of a bespoke strategy that is tailored to your business needs which will include detailed analysis of where your company is, identification of your chosen ALARP, and a journey map to achieve it.
- A psychosocial risk assessment which will highlight the hazard burden contained within your organisation's working environment, and suggest recommendations to reduce the associated risks to a tolerable level.
- Psychologists and psychotherapists who integrate seamlessly within your workplace at a pre-determined frequency (such as a day a week), who offer immediate face-to-face professional support for those in need.
- A 24/7 local employee assistance programme (EAP) that links your workforce to a health professional located within 1 hours drive of the worksite. This allows the option of a face-to-face follow-up if required.
- One-to-one, group or workshop-based coaching on a range of business relevant topics. This is often called upon during dramatic change, such as the death of an employee, or as a client transitions towards a merger, etc.